NEWS | 09.06.2022
After thermal and mechanical sizing and testing on SUPERCAM, CNES has contracted MECANO ID to manufacture CFRP parts for MMX!
MMX – Martian Moon eXploration – is a mission codeveloped by JAXA, CNES and DLR. It aims to study Mars natural satellites, namely Phobos and Deimos. The success of this mission will help to determine whether Phobos and Deimos were asteroids that Mars captured in its orbit, or the result of rubble accumulation due to a massive impact on Mars Surface (as the Moon was formed).
The mission results will precise the planets formation from the Solar System theory.
It is in this context that MID has manufactured the CFRP brackets required to deploy the Solar Panels mounted on MMX Rover. This rover, considered as a scout, will gather and analyze Phobos regolith to prepare MMX pathfinder moon landing.
For this project, MID has pushed its own limits to fulfill the contract in under a two months delay, without bypassing any quality in the process. Needless to say, that this was also because exploration has always been part of our DNA, and we were glad to be on the next MMX mission!
MECANO ID towards Mars…again!